
Earth Class
Ms Isaac - Class Teacher
Miss Cockram - TA
School Trip to Haynes Motor Museum
Earth Class and Saturn Class had a fantastic trip to Haynes Motor Museum to learn all about cars from the past. We enjoyed looking at the cars in the museum and learned a lot from our tour guides. The children listened beautifully! After, we got to have a go at making our own cars in the workshop. At the end of the day, we were able to have a really fun play in the Haynes play park. What a fabulous day!
Chinese New Year
In Earth Class, we have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. We wrote some sentences, marked out some Chinese numbers in rice, made Chinese numbers from plasticine, printed onto paper-plate spirals with sponges and bubble-wrap to make snakes, collected coins for our money wallets with tweezers and made paper-chain dragons! Phew - what a lot of activities!
Nativity 'A Miracle in Town'
The children in Reception performed their first ever nativity this week, ‘A Miracle in Town’, along with the other children in Key Stage 1. We were so impressed with how well the children learnt their lines and songs! Well done Reception, we were so proud of you! ❤️
Making Bread
To celebrate harvest, we made our very own bread rolls. The children enjoyed measuring out the ingredients, mixing them together, kneading the dough and eating their home made bread! Delicious!
Welly Walks
Earth Class has really enjoyed starting our weekly welly walks in the fantastic Millenium Woods. We are so fortunate to have this beautiful space right on our doorstep! We will visit the woods in all seasons and all weathers. On our first visit of the year, we were able to observe some changes that autumn brings.
Welcoming our new children to Ash School
In our welcome assembly, the children were gifted a Bible from the school so that the children can share the stories at home with their families. Our new reception children loved receiving theirs. We hope that these bring you many years of joy.
Welcome to Reception
Our new reception children have had a fantastic start to their time at primary school! This week, we have been learning about our school rules and routines. We have been ever so busy playing, creating and collaborating together. We have also been learning number songs and familiar sounds that we hear in our environment. The children have impressed us so much by how quickly they have settled in. Well done everyone on having such an excellent start to your time at primary school!