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As many hands build a house, so many hearts create our school.

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 Welcome to Jupiter

Year Six



Year 6 Enterprise 2024

Wow! The children were thoroughly "enterprising!" It was a great event, the children managed their stalls in a calm and professional manner - Well done!

Day 2...


An excellent night's sleep all round was followed by a huge breakfast in readiness for a day on the water. The children were magnificent with paddle in hand, and the trip down the Wye was greatly enjoyed. Gorgeous weather both days so far, we've been very lucky. A little swim at the end before a shower at the hostel. Dinner - with delicious school cake and custard for pudding - and the children are currently engaged in some team games. 


Fingers crossed for more sleep tonight, and we'll see you all tomorrow!

Day 2 residential

Hi Parents - great first day on residential. We had a lovely walk with Gemma, who was full of information about the local wildlife and area... we arranged our rooms... we had an excellent dinner which was wolfed down... we're currently enjoying a campfire and games before a full night's sleep! 


Everyone is extremely well, and hopefully a little tired...


Another update tomorrow evening.

Wye residential


Summer Term 2024!


Wow! This year is flying by, here we are in the Summer term already.  There is plenty to look forward to this term especially after half term where we will be rehearsing the play, going on our residential, taking part in bikeability and so much more!



Our English text is "Anne Frank" by Josephine Poole and Angela Barrett. This text tells the story of Anne Frank, who wrote a diary detailing her time in hiding in an annexe inside her Father's office building.   The book follows her flight to Holland to escape the Nazis; the German invasion and the gradual isolation, then outright persecution, of the Jewish population which forces the family into hiding; the years in the Secret Annex; and her last heart-breaking journey.


Our history topic this term is "Britain at War" which  teaches the children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.



Our guided reading book this term is "Letters from the Lighthouse " by Emma Carroll. The story is set within World War Two, it features a sister and brother who are evacuated to a lighthouse in Devon. It follows their adventures to solve the mysterious disappearance of a family member.


In PE, we are focussing on Striking and Fielding skills.


In Science and DT we are looking at the different possible ways a bridge can be built, focussing on materials and shapes to then build our own. When finished, we will be looking at light theory, the different ways light can behave and how we can utilise that.


In computing we will be learning how to use 3D modelling on computers, and the different possible applications for that.


In art we will try to get our heads around abstract art, such as this piece below, and attempt to divine meaning before giving the style a go ourselves.



In the summer term, during PHSE, we will look at relationships and how to stay healthy.





Spring Term 2024

Wow! Welcome to a New Year - 2024! This term, we are focussing on diversity and freedom.



In English, our book this term is "Freedom Bird by Jerdine Nolen." This is a story of courage and hope - set in America, in the 1860's, just before the American Civil War.   In this inspiring story, written in the tradition of American black folktales, an enslaved brother and sister are inspired by a majestic and mysterious bird to escape to freedom.


Our Class reading book continues our theme.



"Journey Back to Freedom by Catherine Johnson,"  celebrates the incredible life of Olaudah Equiano in this gripping true story - from the horrors of the slave trade to a book that changed the world. "Journey Back to Freedom" focuses on Equiano’s early life, demonstrating the resilience of the human spirit and one man’s determination to be free.


This term our focus in History is Maafa.  This project teaches children about Africa past and present, with a particular focus on Benin. It traces the development of the slave trade and explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.



In PE, we are focussing on fitness and well-being with circuit training followed by "Dance through the decades."


This term promises to be fun, informative and busy!


  Home Learning 5th December 2023 

Here are some ideas for your day of learningPlease bring all your work to school on Wednesday and we can see what you have been up to. 



And practice your multiples and factors – remember LCM is the lowest common multiple and HCM is the highest common multiple. 


Go to


Can you be the beat the highest score? 



Are you ready to do battle with the Guardians of Mathematica? 


Practice your times tables. 


Finally challenge someone in your household to a board game of your choice. 





Read a chapter of your current reading book and write a short narrative about what you think is going to happen next?  Think like an author and make it exciting. Remember DADWAVERS and include dialogue. 


Make a wordsearch using words associated with the “Arctic” ready for your narrative writing task on Wednesday.  Use a thesaurus to help you. 



What can you see from your window?  Sketch a scene from one of your windows – think carefully about perspective. 



Watch Frozen planet 3 – Extremes – and complete the quiz on  


Read a book quietly snuggled under a cosy blanket. 


Enjoy your day and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.   






 Class Teachers

Mrs Louise Oaten - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr Tim Jones - Thursday and Friday.

Class TA - Mrs Ellen Frampton.


Wow, what a fantastic start to the year.  It has been great to watch the children of Year six settle into their role as leaders and role-models.  We have been focussing on the new school code - Be kind, Be Safe, Be Respectful.


Our English book focus is The Last Bear by Hannah Gold.



This moving story takes the children on an adventure to the Arctic where April and her Father are sent on a six month assignment by the Norwegian Government. The Last Bear is a celebration of the love between a child and an animal, a battle cry for our world and an irresistible adventure with a heart as big as a bear’s. This book will continue to be the stimulus for our writing over this half term..


Our Class guided reading novel is Wonder, a story which allows the children to explore the idea of being different as a positive and enriching experience.



Each week your child will bring home spellings to learn on Thursday. They will be tested the following Thursday so please ensure the blue book comes back to school on that day. 


Your child will be bringing home a reading book each week. Please encourage your child to read at least 3 times to you and record this in the reading record book. Please take time to talk with your child about the characters, the plot and their predictions.


Our PE day is Tuesday, your child will need to come into school wearing their kit each week on that day. 


Our Geography topic is the "Frozen Kingdoms" which allows us learn about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.






In Science we are beginning to look at electrical circuits, using correct notation when recording our circuits and then building our own; we will also be working with microbits which will feed nicely into our computing work where we are also going go be building our own websites!


In art we are looking at some trailblazing black artists from the last 150 years, finding out what made them well-known and looking for the meaning in their work.


We are looking forward to this year. We already know that Jupiter class is AMAZING!




Mock Trial - 14th November 2023


Jupiter class has been preparing for a "Mock Trial." This involved bringing  a mock case to court.  The children had a script with all the legal terms and procedures which needed to be followed and acted upon.  We had to defend the case and the children worked hard on their questions using the statements of the witnesses. As a class we practised with two teams, the defence and the prosecution. On the day, the children performed well, speaking clearly and concisely to the witnesses and the court. We were rewarded with Joint First prize, which we were all super excited by.  The trophy which we won is proudly displayed in our classroom.

Visit from Magistrate.


This week, we have had a visit from a Magistrate, Mrs Ellis, who talked to us about her work.  We learnt all about being a magistrate, court cases and the criminal justice system. Mrs Ellis was also able to give us some more information about our "Mock Trial" which we have begun to practice for.



In PE we have been practising our football skills.
