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Welcome to Ash Church of EnglandPrimary School

As many hands build a house, so many hearts create our school.

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 Welcome to Jupiter

Year Five and Six


 Class Teachers

Mrs Louise Oaten - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr Tim Jones - Thursday and Friday.

Class TAs- Mrs Ellen Frampton and Mrs Ritchie.


We have had a fantastic first few days back - the children have come in looking smart, ready to learn and eager to engage. Please make sure they are reading as regularly and routinely as possible at home!


PE - is on a Tuesday afternoon. Please remember to wear black shorts, red PE t-shirt, trainers and red hooded top, if needed.

Spellings - will be given out on a Thursday and tested on the subsequent Thursday. Please ensure the blue spelling book is returned each week on  Thursday.  

Reading - as much as possible at home, at least four times a week. Please record reading in Reading Record.

Our Curriculum


Our Guided Reading text is "Wonder " by R J Palacio.   It tells the story of August (Auggie) Pullman, a ten-year-old boy with a severe facial difference that makes him stand out. Auggie is starting school for the first time.  His story is told from six different characters’ viewpoints, including his own. All the viewpoints share the same message about the importance of kindness.


Maths - as ever we will begin with place value. See the attached file for a yearly overview.

We have two class texts this term. "The Arrival" by Shaun Tan is one of the most critically acclaimed books of recent years, a wordless masterpiece that describes a world beyond any familiar time or place.

The second is 'Wolf Wilder' by Katherine Rundell - a fantastic, and very popular, author of children's books - check out her other books if your child needs something for a birthday!


In Geography this term we will be exploring "Frozen Kingdoms". This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.


In Science this term, year 5 will study 'Earth and Space' - get those telescopes out and cross fingers for some clear nights. Find out what waxing and waning mean when it comes to the moon!

Year 6 will focus initially on electricity and circuits, and learn the practicalities involved in using both. 

In PE we will be exploring the concept of Invasion Games.


In art we will be learning how to colour mix tints, tones and shades, before using them to create our own fabulous pieces.

Jupiter Class Yearly Overview
