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Welcome to Ash Church of EnglandPrimary School

As many hands build a house, so many hearts create our school.

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Welcome to Saturn 

Year One and Two

Mrs Gibbons and Mr Sampson-Barnes

Monday - Thursday

Mrs Jones - Friday

Mrs Fullerton - TA


We are thrilled to see the children return to school with such enthusiasm after their well-deserved Christmas break. Their energy and eagerness to dive into new learning adventures have been inspiring, and we are excited for the term ahead!



Year 1: Our Year 1 children have been working hard to strengthen their understanding of numbers up to twenty. They have also been developing their skills in addition and subtraction, showing impressive perseverance as they tackle each new challenge. This term, they will extend their knowledge to numbers up to 50, as well as explore concepts such as length, height, mass, and volume.

Year 2: In Year 2, the focus has been on multiplication. It has been wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm as they confidently master the 2, 3, 5, and 10 times tables. Their growing fluency in recalling these facts is remarkable! This term, they will also explore mathematical concepts related to money, length, height, mass, capacity, and temperature, helping to build a strong foundation for more complex problem-solving.



In English, the children in Saturn class have been exploring a variety of writing styles. They have shown fantastic creativity and imagination, and it has been a joy to see how they are beginning to experiment with different techniques to engage their readers. We are excited to see how their writing continues to develop!



This term, Saturn class has embarked on a fascinating new science topic: how plants survive. The children have been learning about the important role of bulbs and seeds in a plant’s life cycle, and they have been keen to discover how plants grow. In the upcoming weeks, they will conduct exciting hands-on investigations into the ideal conditions for plant growth—allowing them to deepen their understanding of the natural world around them.



In Geography, the children have begun an exciting exploration of coastlines. They have been using atlases to identify the seas and oceans surrounding the UK, gaining a deeper understanding of our nation's geographical features. Additionally, they have been using compass points to describe directions, building key navigation skills in an engaging and interactive way.



This term in Computing, the children have been developing their photography skills. They have learned the essential steps every photographer needs to take a great photo, from framing their shot to experimenting with different angles. They’ve also explored the differences between landscape and portrait orientations, discovering how these choices can dramatically impact the overall effect of their photographs.


The children’s enthusiasm for learning continues to shine through in all subjects, and we are excited to see their continued progress and achievements as the term unfolds!

A Busy and Exciting Half Term of Learning

This half term has been a whirlwind of exciting and meaningful learning experiences for the children, packed with creativity, exploration, and skill-building.


In both Year 1 and Year 2, the children have been engaging in various writing activities. They explored instructional writing, skillfully using time connectives and descriptive adjectives to create detailed instructions for brewing potions and crafting magical, flying broomsticks. Additionally, they practiced letter writing, sending letters to Grandad’s Island and even to the North Pole!


  • Year 1: The children have been solidifying their understanding of addition and subtraction within 10, using manipulatives to support their learning. They have also been identifying 2D and 3D shapes, discovering the unique characteristics of each.
  • Year 2: Times tables have been a key focus, with students working hard on the 2, 3, 5, and 10 times tables. They’ve also started mastering column addition and subtraction, with an emphasis on exchanging values.


Saturn Class has been delving into the fascinating world of habitats and how animals survive. This hands-on learning included exploring outdoor microhabitats and observing how these environments support smaller creatures. The children have also been expanding their vocabulary with terms such as "adapt," "camouflage," "shelter," and "habitat."


The children have taken a journey through time to learn about significant monarchs, including King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth II. Through these studies, they compared life in the past with modern-day experiences. Timelines have also been a valuable tool for developing their understanding of chronology.


In Computing, Saturn Class has been learning about the importance of using IT safely and exploring its presence in daily life through activities like the "Digital 5 a Day." They even created posters to promote safe and balanced IT use. Recently, the children began exploring photography, learning how to take different types of photos and practicing the essential skills needed for capturing great shots.



Awesome Attitude to Autumn B

All children entered this half term with energy and enthusiasm, proving engaged with their learning and eager to impress, which is fantastic to see.

We all continue to work fastidiously upon our handwriting, every morning upon entering the classroom. We endeavour to ensure it is neat, correctly formed and sits beautifully upon the lines. Children are encouraged to join their handwriting, when they are ready and feel confident to attempt.


Year Two then perform a guided reading session, whilst the Year One children learn their phonics. In reading, we are currently exploring a variety of non-fiction, informative texts.


We continue to delve deep into the world of Julia Donaldson, as we read the wonderful book below. Can you talk to someone at home about our writing, revolving around this story.


We were even fortunate enough to make our very own broomsticks!


Forest School

Across the course of the year, we are lucky to escape the confines of our classroom and investigate our lovely school environment, under the ever watchful eye of Sowenna. What wonderful school grounds we have!




Stupendously Spectacular Saturn 

Mrs Gibbons, Mr SB and Mrs Fullerton have been thoroughly impressed by the children, across the course of the last two weeks. They are all wonderfully enthusiastic, inquisitive and thoughtful leaners. Their resilience and perseverance, throughout every element of school and learning, is simply fantastic. 

This week and last we were exploring Julia Donaldson classics - 


Can you tell someone at home all about our writing? Which character is your favourite - Stickman or George? We will continue to examine the same author after Half Term, as we investigate Room on the Broom.


Fact families and addition has been our main focus within maths. Year Two have been investigating addition and subtraction number sentences involving one digit and two digit numbers.

4 + 8 = 12      12 = 4 + 8

8 + 4 = 12      12 = 8 + 4

12 - 4 = 8      8 = 12 - 4

12 - 8 = 4       4 = 12 - 8

Year one have been looking at the relationship between numbers within the ten.




What an exciting term it promises to be.


We are starting our English with The Monstersaus 

In this unit the children will be writing character descriptions, sets of instructions and creating their own inventions!

We will be looking closely at adjectives, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. 


In Maths we are starting off with Place Value following on with addition and subtraction.



In Science we are looking at Habitats.

This project teaches children about habitats and what a habitat needs to provide. They explore local habitats to identify and name living things and begin to understand how they depend on one another for food and shelter.



In science, the children investigated microhabitats, providing a fantastic opportunity to put on their wellies and head outdoors! They did an excellent job exploring the various areas where living things might be hiding. Carefully, they swept the forest floor, peeked under tree stumps, and rummaged through bushes. The children identified the names and numbers of the creatures they discovered and even explained why those animals preferred those habitats.



In History we are looking at British Monarchs

This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.


In Art and Design the children will be exploring colours

This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours, hues and how artists use colour in their artwork.


In DT we will be learning to cut, stitch and join.

This project teaches children about fabric home products and the significant British brand Cath Kidston. They learn about sewing patterns and using a running stitch and embellishments before making a sewn bag tag.





We will send home a pack of helpful resources for you, in this pack you will find...

  • A red phonics homework book which will be filled in by the teachers with instructions on what to do and complete.
  • A reading record book, where we would like you to write comments on how your child has read with you.
  • A reading book at your child's level. we do ask that you try to read with your children at least three times a week as this will hugely support with their learning in school.
  • A blue spelling book, spellings will be sent out every Monday. Please do not write in the blue books they are for in class use only.
  • And finally, a home reading book which you can read to your children and enjoy together.



Our PE day is on Thursday, so please can your children come in appropriate PE clothing.


