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Welcome to Ash Church of EnglandPrimary School

As many hands build a house, so many hearts create our school.

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Welcome to Saturn 

Year One and Two

Mr Morgan - Teacher

Mrs Fullerton - TA



We hope you have all had a wonderful Summer, I am so excited to see you all tomorrow. What a fantastic year it promises to be! 


We will send home a pack of helpful resources for you, in this pack you will find...

  • A red phonics homework book which will be filled in by the teachers with instructions on what to do and complete.
  • A reading record book, where we would like you to write comments on how your child has read with you.
  • A reading book at your child's level. we do ask that you try to read with your children at least three times a week as this will hugely support with their learning in school.
  • A blue spelling book, spellings will be sent out every Monday. Please do not write in the blue books they are for in class use only.
  • And finally, a home reading book which you can read to your children and enjoy together.



Our PE day is on Thursday, so please can your children come in appropriate PE clothing.


