Welcome to Neptune
Year Three and Four
Miss Leslie - Teacher
Mrs Gibbons - Teacher
Mrs Pearce -TA
Mrs Yaldiz - TA
What an enthusiastic start to the year we have had! The children have settled well into their new classes, showing a desire to learn and always giving 100% - well done!
An electrifying start to the year for Year 4
We've filled our afternoons with colour!
Sharing our love of reading
Keeping our minds sharp with daily Times Table tests!
Please encourage your child to log in to their TTRockstars account, just five minutes a day will really make a difference! Each child has been sent home with log in details, if you have not received this, please talk to a member of staff.
We look forward to the next half term of learning; developing new skills and working in collaboration with our peers.
Here are some of the exciting topics we will cover...
During Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.
We are going to delve into the past and explore the world of ancient civilisations in History.
Year 4 are focusing on Electricity in Science, building circuits, investigating how electricity travels.
Year 3 will be exploring the human body and the nutrients that are held within our food. We would love you to cook a nutritionally balanced meal with your child, please share the photos with us.
Our PE lessons will take us on a journey through dance, starting with a Roman jig!
Hope you had a fantastically AWESOME Summer!
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. The term and year promises to be an exciting adventure!
PE - is on a Monday afternoon. Please remember to wear black shorts, red PE t-shirt, trainers and red hooded top, if needed.
Spellings - will be given out on a Wednesday and tested on the subsequent Monday. Therefore please ensure the blue spelling book is returned each week on the Monday.
Reading - as much as possible at home, at least three times a week. We encourage children to read books from home or alternatively they can take books from school.