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Welcome to Ash Church of EnglandPrimary School

As many hands build a house, so many hearts create our school.

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Who’s Who


 Leadership Team

Melissa Gibbons - Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


Megan Isaac- SENCO and EYFS Lead 


Teaching Team

Melissa Gibbons

Megan Isaac

Hannah Leslie

Louise Oaten

Tim Jones

Ellen Jones

Oliver Sampson-Barnes


Teaching Assistant Team

Ellen Frampton (ELSA)

Shelly Fullerton (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

Becki Cockram

Mel Pearce

Kayleigh Yaldiz

Natalie Ritchie


Office Manager

Michelle Flashman


Administrative Assistant

Cara Samuels


Premises Manager

Peter Coombs


Lunchtime Supervisors/Wrap Around Care Team

Ellen Frampton

Kayleigh Yaldiz

Rosie Davey (Maternity Leave)

Mel Pearce

Jess Pearce


Nursery Team

Isabel Harrington (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

Sophie Wright

Lidia Morgan

Claire Isaacs




Visiting Colleagues

Sowena Stonestreet- Forest School

Lisa Knott- Swimming Teacher 

Beth Church- Music Tuition





All local authority maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k a year. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.


At 01/09/2024 no staff at the school earn more than £100k a year.
