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Welcome to Ash Church of EnglandPrimary School

As many hands build a house, so many hearts create our school.

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Welcome to Venus

Year Three 

Thankfully, even the wettest of days (and we've had a few!) can't dampen the enthusiasm of Venus class! Another stupendous half term where Venus class have proved they really are amazing! We look forward to our last half term - it is set to be full of exciting learning opportunities and experiences!


We have enjoyed taking PE outside and brushing up on our cricket skills - we are really very good! 


We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Home Farm in Curry Rivel, we delved deep inside owl pellets, cooked delicious pancakes and went on a trail to search for different birds of prey. The picnic lunch in the meadow really was a treat! We look forward to seeing your fabulous presentations in a few weeks time. ready for the judges! 






Workshop from local Artists and Poet.

With Spring well under way, we look forward to a super Summer term! We have already enjoyed a fabulous trip to the Art Gallery and Museum in Bristol. We were amazed by the photography we saw, encouraging us to think about the world around us and the impact we, as humans, have on it. We also enjoyed their fantastic collection of rocks, minerals and fossils and the taxidermy displays.










This term we are reading Mr Penguin and the lost treasure, written by Alex Smith. The children will be honing their descriptive writing skills to describe a setting, write a resolution to the story and look at how to correctly punctuate speech. 



Through our topic Rocks, Relics and Rumbles we will be exploring the features and characteristics of the Earth's layers, including looking at volcanoes, tectonic plates and the history of Pompeii. 



We will be exploring Light and Shadows in science this term as well as learning about Plant nutrition and reproduction.



Our focus this term will be to develop our striking and fielding skills. We can't wait to take our PE lessons out onto the field; no more rain please! 



For our class of marvellous mathematicians, we have a full term ahead, including learning about fractions, money, time and shape. 

Please keep practicing times tables at home, using TTRockstars. We are getting really speedy in class! 



If you need an invitation or poster designing, Venus class will be ready to help! This term we are learning to use publishing software to create designs with impact! 



We are learning about Roman Mosaics this term and will explore their features through observational drawing as well as reproducing some of our own.



We will be learning how to say the names of fruit and vegetables in Spanish this term as well as revising our numbers.


A busy term ahead, keep focused Venus class - you are amazing!

What a fantastic term we have had, ending with a super trip to Cheddar caves! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about Stone Age life and exploring the beautiful caves.








Super Science Week


We made and tested paper spinners today, to learn about how objects fall through space. We thought about how to make sure our test was fair, and what forces are acting on the spinner as it falls!

DT - Make It Move! We have been learning about different mechanisms in DT. Now we are exploring how cams work and will design, make and evaluate our own automaton toy.

Exploring how fossils are formed in Science! Ask the children to describe how we used different types of bread and jelly sweets to recreate mould fossils.

A fascinating story from H today, all about influential people through time that have shown true courage, kindness and consideration for others. 

Thank you!


We have marvellous mathematicians in Venus class! We have been dividing 2 digit numbers and finding out about how to record a remainder. 


We used our compasses to find our way around school, on our map of Ash we were able to identify the physical and human features found at each of the compass points. 



A warm welcome back after Christmas, wishing you a very Happy New Year! 


We are starting the term exploring the story Journey by Aaron Becker. It is a book with no words, so we have been predicting, thinking about possible dialogue between characters and finishing with writing our own sequel to the story. Our ideas have been tremendous and we have really let our imaginations run wild! 



As we wave goodbye to our Roman topic we take a step further back in time to the Stone Age. We will be exploring what life was like for people living in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. Our learning journey will take us to Skara Brae, a Stone Age settlement, through to the Beaker people of the Bronze Age and finally, the tools and ingenuity of the Iron Age. We are looking forward to our trip to Cheddar Gorge where we will meet a Stone Age man, explore the ancient caves and observe the Cheddar Man who is believed to be over 10,000 years old! 


The children have started the term with great enthusiasm - well done! 

Home learning ideas!

Here are some ideas for activities you could do today, on our unexpected home day! Bring in your creations tomorrow for us to share. Please don't feel obliged to complete all activities. 



Practice your multiplication and division skills using the following links.

Or practice your times tables on TTRockstars!


Hone your skills of addition and subtraction by putting the following sums into column format. Remember you may need to regroup or exchange and when writing the calculation, ensure numbers are placed in their correct column value. 



1. 234 + 24 =              2. 435 + 43 =                3. 853 + 102 =             4. 729 + 42 =               5. 305 + 190 =


6. 423 + 428 =            7. 590 + 34 =                8. 289 + 123 =             9. 364 + 75 =              10. 456 + 345 =



1. 234 - 24 =               2. 424 - 12 =                 3. 395 - 123 =              4. 678 - 45 =                5. 268 - 122 =


6. 453 - 123 =             7. 435 - 27 =                 8. 898 - 56 =                9. 354 - 236 =              10. 424 - 242 =



Create an accrostic poem using the heading Merry Christmas. 


For example...

Marvellous mistletoe hanging in homes

Eating scrumptious food

Rarely seeing smiles fade

Rapid tearing of wrapping paper

Yearly festivities


Children acting out the Nativity

Holiday with the most sparkle

Really competitive board game marathons

Intrepid snowy adventures

Snoring adults after Christmas lunch

Tantalizing puddings

Many walks with family 

And friends

Sending you Christmas cheer!



Read a book to your family and ask them questions at the end to check they were listening! Can you write a short review of why you enjoyed the book? Who was your favourite/worst character? What was your favourite part? Would you recommend it to your friends? How did the book make you feel? Finally, if you were writing the book, can you think of a different ending? 


Further activities...

Can you create a poster for our Science display showing all that you have learnt about the Human body? Remember to include pictures or short pieces of information, make it colourful! I look forward to seeing your creations! 


Finally, challenge your family to a board game, go on an exciting adventure and take photos of the flooding that you see or create picture depicting your unexpected  home day!




What a wonderful way to end a fabulous first half term in Venus class, sharing our learning with our families. Thank you to all those that came to our open afternoon, we were very proud to share with you all the exciting learning that has been taking place. Venus class have worked so hard this term, showing unwavering enthusiasm to each task and proving to us that they are stupendous! 


Enjoy your half term break!

We've had another busy week of learning in Venus class, including showing what respectful, thoughtful and confident children we are during our Harvest service in church. We were immensely proud of you all. 


We have been practicing our ball skills in PE, learning how to defend and collaborate with our teammates.  




Our mathematical brains have been challenged to order numbers up to 1000! We worked collaboratively with our peers to find the height of each of our group members, and then ordered the results. We fed back to the class our findings. 






Finally, our English task has found us inventing a new sweet to be created in Willy Wonkar's chocolate factory! Our minds have been filled with sugar, sugar and more sugar! Our imaginations have run wild! We have mapped out how our sweet is made and have now begun to write a detailed explanation of the process. 








Network success!

Today the children were creating their own networks within the class, just like a computer network. They learnt how networks enable us to pass messages from computer to computer by making connections. Everyone enjoyed writing messages and then working out how deliver them to the recipient without leaving their seat! 

Miss Leslie and Mrs Jones are so excited to welcome you into Venus class! We aim to have the most fantastic year with you! We hope you are well rested and ready for the year ahead. 

The children have come back to school with such enthusiasm and maturity, they are already making us very proud! They are consistently displaying our school rules of Be Kind, Be Safe and Be Respectful. Well done Venus class - keep it up!


Taking a look ahead... 


Our class reader this half term is the wonderful George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. Perhaps your child would like to create their own 'Marvellous Medicine' at home. What ingredients would they put in? What would happen to the person who drank it? We would love to share their creations in class. 


During History we have begun to explore the Roman Empire. Today we brainstormed all the facts we already new and then thought about what we would like to find out. It seems finding out what the Romans ate and if they celebrated Halloween were popular questions! Please encourage your child to do their own research at home to answer their questions. We would love to share their findings!



Each week your child will bring home spellings to learn on Monday. They will be tested the following Monday so please ensure the blue book comes back to school on that day. 


Your child will be bringing home a reading book each week. Please encourage your child to read at least 3 times to you and record this in the reading record book. Ask your child to describe what they have read, predict what might happen next or explain which is their favourite character. 


Our PE day is Wednesday, your child will need to come into school wearing their kit each week on that day. 


We are looking forward to this year and all that it has in store. We already know that Venus class is AMAZING! 


